Woolen and Fur Felt Hat Bodies & Hats

Wide portfolio of fezes

Looking for a religious type of headwear?

Custom Made Design of Hatbodies

High quality knitted caps


years of manufacturing


bilion hats produced


countries of export



Who are you?


Millinery Supplies

We take care of you

  • We understand your business and can help you grow.
  • With our stable quality of materials and new innovations you will always impress your customers.

Hat Maker

You are invited into a craftmanship dialogue:

  • Interested in creative experiments?
  • Searching innovation in materials?
  • Possessed by Savoir-faire?

Fashion Designer

Are you focusing on high-profile products?

Interested in low-quantity production?

Fancy special effects?

Huge range of colors, shapes, and materials at your fingerprint.



Fashion Brand

Do you have your own brand?

Are you considering your own collection?

Searching for high-quality production?

Interested in new technologies with a focus on animal welfare?

Nature & Sustainability matters to you?


If you are interested in buying hatbodies, please visit our online offer.

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